Read more about the Google Gadgets to your Joomla site "

Google offers a huge number of "gadgets", which can be embedded into your site. These gadgets can be many things, including a movie Show times, weather and currency converters. If you find that you like one of these, or if you have a customer that would like to add one of the Web service, you must know to include them in the Joomla site ().

Google Gadgets in a Joomla!-the most important part of the site is and how to find where to place the code so that it appears only in the locations you specify, or to the customer. This is relatively easy, and explain it step by step, and then click Next again.

The first thing to do is to determine where to find all of the Google gadgets. Go to Then select the gadget you want to the site and click the button "add a network page". Then click the button "Get Code" in the appropriate article number below to view the gadget, and copy the code and paste it into a text document and save it to your hard disk drive someplace.

The site administrator, log on to the next area. Go to Extensions > Module Manager "and" click "New". When you are prompted to select, click to select the "custom HTML" and click the next button. Enter the title of the module and decide if you want to see all your visitors browser to appear on the label.

You must decide the position of the module and the following pages are displayed in the gadget. Hopefully you have thought this out in advance, and then add "menu in the task pane," data access pages, and from the pop-up menu in the module position. You can change both of these always, always, if you are not satisfied with how the gadget appears on certain pages.

Finally, the "custom output" on the bottom of the HTML box if you are using the html editor, then paste the code, Google, which was previously stored in the text of the document. If you do not use the HTML editor, paste the code in the custom Output to the right of the alone in the box. Now click the "Save" and the gadget has been specified in the pages of the module position.

Since 1996 Marc Harris has been in the web design-the company's capital and is managed by our customers after their stay at the site of numerous development projects. Marc now works almost exclusively in Joomla and write articles about Joomla. You can find more free Joomla video tutorials . 5minutejoomla. com


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